Wire String Celtic Harp, Whistle, Fiddle
『Bridget Cruise Suite』
Composed by Turlough O’Carolan (1670 – 1738)
*このブリジットクルーズ組曲はO’Carolanが初恋の女性 Bridget Cruise の為に作った4曲を3rd~1st~4th~2ndの順に繋げて演奏したもの。
0:00-2:27 Bridget Cruise 3rd Air
2:28-4:54 Bridget Cruise 1st Air
4:55-7:24 Bridget Cruise 4th Air
7:25-9:36 Bridget Cruise 2nd Air
HP http://masumi-harp.raindrop.jp/profile/feoe/
高円寺 Moon Stomp 2010.9.5
「Far East O’Carolan Ensemble」
Yuko Shoji:Whistle
Yuka Nakafuji : Fiddle
Masumi Sakaue : Wire String Celtic Harp
*A suite composed by O’Carolan for his first love, Bridget Cruise, in the order of 3rd~1st~4th~2nd.
HP http://masumi-harp.raindrop.jp/
Twitter https://twitter.com/mssbunting
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/masumi.sakaue.9
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sakaue_masumi/
blog https://blog.goo.ne.jp/e-bunting
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/ocarolan15456