如果您是名古屋居民,您可能曾经或两次对 Towers & Gate Tower 的停车场排队感到恼火。 这个视频是通过将 10 分钟缩短到 60 秒来编辑的,但是我直到门前才完全没有操作油门或刹车。 这是一个相当上坡的地方,但它完全是赫克。 真的很容易! 首先,把车停在停车场很麻烦! 我要你快点开到自动驾驶可以在马车口下车的地步。 或许,不仅是这10分钟,主方和目的方上下车的30分钟左右,都会有效果。
Elon Mask 加油!
If you’re a Nagoya resident, you’ve probably been annoyed by the parking lot queues at Towers & Gate Tower once or twice. This video is edited by shortening 10 minutes to 60 seconds, but I did not operate the accelerator or brake at all until just before the gate. It’s quite an uphill here, but it’s totally heke. Really easy! In the first place, it is troublesome to put the car in the parking lot! I want you to proceed quickly to the point where you can get off at the carriage porch with automatic driving. Perhaps, not only this 10 minutes, but about 30 minutes of getting on and off on the home side and the destination side will be effective.
Elon Mask Go for it!
#テスラモデル3 #オートクルーズ が駐車場の待ち行列ですごく楽だ!何もしなくて良い!#Shorts #オートパイロット
イーロン マスク がんばれ!