iPhone 12 Proにて撮影
2021/11/7に咸臨丸クルーズで遠方兵庫県の淡路島から招聘し、あたかも浦賀に実物が来航したかのような演出を体験する場があった日です(˶ ・ᴗ・ )੭⚐⚑
1つ目は、浦賀湊に来航する咸臨丸と、乗船する意気込みで、咸臨丸に触れてみる…見た目は実物を模しているため、高台から撮るとまさしく咸臨丸が来航した雰囲気だが、港周辺は当然ながらすでに開発が進んでいるので、昔ほどの景観まではさすがに味わえないが…( ´ •̥ ̫ •̥ ` )
【咸臨丸 – Kanrinmaru】
Tokugawa shogunate had bought the Kanrinmaru ship from Netherlands and reformed in Uraga. In 1860, Kaishu KATSU and Yukichi FUKUZAWA departed Uraga and had been America by Kanrinmaru to ratify the Japan-U.S. Treaty. On the way, they met the terrible storm, the sailing was so dangerous. Unhappy in Japan also after ratification, the old Tokugawa shogunate was to defeated by the new Japan government cause by unstable nation between Japan and U.S. The price of rice had been too expensive to sell, so much of rice was discarded from their markets. After 1867, Kanrinmaru had sailed with total 8 commanders to Hakodate to save from the new Japan government. However, robbed by the government on the way. In 1871, Kanrinmaru had been sunk by storm.